Simply Translating An Ad Into Another Language Doesn’t Always Do The Job

As a student and to-be professional, I start my days checking in with various industry publications and newsletters to be up to date on all the creative and technical news in the industry. My favorite go-to sources of information are: Adweek, ADC, Mashable, IHaveAnIdea, Social Media Today, Advertising Age, Wallpaper, Print, How, Communications Arts, Design Week, Art Director’s Club (which membership you should get, because it’s one of the best hands-on organizations in the world for design inspirations, portfolio nights, networking events, and latest design-across-all-medium exhibitions and news), Inspiration Feed, Enfused, Designers & Books (for the latest reads), Behance/Dribble (for the latest portfolio uploads of my design ‘comrades’ across the world). Yes, it’s a very overwhelming list…

Being a big fan of the advertising industry, since the first time I saw an old ad “Think Small” for VW bug, I love reading about various agencies around the world and learning about their work. I just recently came across a great article by IHaveAnIdea about Havas Worldwide Switzerland ad agency, which talked about the ‘corporate’ culture of their agency and how they approach many aspects of their projects and clients. I found it extremely interesting and much of it ‘spoke very closely’ to how I picture an ideal creative environment of an ad agency.

Simply translating an ad from one tongue to another doesn’t always do the job… Continue reading

Pentagram Out-of-Print Book: Design Shops To Learn From

Last Saturday I’ve got lucky to get the Pentagram’s out-of-print book – purely by accident, but couldn’t be happier. Thanks to such amazing book stores like Strand Book Store in NYC, one can find real gems! I bought almost all my graphic design books there, and less expensive than anywhere else as well.

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Notes of Wisdom: What Should We Take From It?

securedownloadDo you know what usually happens on the last day of your classes?

Yes – it’s the day, when your professors tend to give you a good [or a bad] advice on your  career pursuing, job search, further studying, pros & cons of the industry and so on. The advices, which can be either encouraging or discouraging, depending on how you interpret these advices, can be priceless. I’ve been definitely both encouraged and discouraged about my choice of work in the past, and having been in the position, when I had to give up my dreams because of one’s professor’s discouraged, I want to warn and prevent the other aspiring designers from making the same mistake. I paid for my mistake with the 13 years of working in some of the professions, which I was not passionate about. And it applies to any professional field you might be trying to pursue and/or studying towards. Continue reading

I’m On @Behance: Let’s Connect & Stay In Touch


You’ve got to love Behance. Continue reading